vineri, 25 iunie 2010

2010 spring- summer theme

2010 spring- summer theme

Two aggressive feelings. The building blocks of Freudian philosophy.The instinct to kill and instinct of sex. Two essential elements of uman life or if defined in general sense, te essential elements of the formation and livelihood of living things. The desire to annihilate a living thing. The desire to be the one to cause the beginning of the end of a living creature. The desire to be the decision mechanism to end someone's life. The excessive yearning to stop some things. To kill. The most primitive fundamental instinct of the organism called human. What is the reason for the inclusion of this intinct to kill, in the organism of humans? Is it to become one of the players in revolution? Or yet, is it the need to establish the constrast of sin against innocence? To be able to show the sin in mirror after it is committed.There is already this life that destroys by wearing out.What is the reason for this desire of one living being to kill the other? When will the humans be able to overcome this feeling? Or how challenging would it be to the evolution that the humans go through, to the eradicate this instinct? When will this instinct to kill be replaced with the value placed on living things, the comprehension of their sanctity, the flawless care in approaching life as well as the attention and respect showed to it and the formation of the instinct to protect the livelihood of the living things?

Sex? For what? The need to resist the build up of desire. The adventure to make your gender more pronounced whether woman or man. Who is more manlier, who has more female instincts? Sex is a kind of war...You start a combat and you either win or loose. And it continues like this. Each time we scatter the building blocks of our organisms to put them back together again in a new formation.The result is to be able to look at the nature from a different perspective. Sex is about the desire felt for renewal. A war that is not aimed of killing. A drive targeting rebirth with each combat. Going on combat to be reborn.

Which one? Is it sex or war that is more material to life? SEX OR WAR.

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